Oh God, if this rumor about Beyonce and Barack Obama having an affair is true it’ll blow that whole Bill Clinton – Liz Hurley rumor right out of the water. Oh, wait, that one was totally made up. Is this rumor as well? The simple answer to this is: yeah, probably.
Related: Beyonce in GIF – The Guyism Animated GIFs Anthology
French photographer Pascal Rostain said this morning on Europe 1 (using Google Translate), “It’s going out tomorrow in the Washington Post – we can not say that it is the gutter press – on an alleged affair between President Barack Obama and Beyonce. I can assure you that the world will talk.”
Later in the day he said (again through Google Translate)…
“It seems that the relationship between Barack and Michele Obama are not looking good for several weeks, said Pascal Rostain. From what I know, it’s still very cold between Barack and Michele. But I do not know any more. The Washington Post in particular working on it for several weeks. I had one of their reporters yesterday on the phone.”
Of course, the Washington Post denies it all. “I can tell you that this is wrong.” The Washington Post does not prepare articles “like this.”
Rostain, who seems pretty confident that he’s right, says that the laws are different in America so journalists here are just waiting to be 150% confident before reporting it.
So it is true? Doubtful. Even Tom Sizemore thinks it’s complete bullshit. But just imagine if it is. How fun would that be?
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Obama / Beyoncé: French paparazzi Pascal Rostain retracts [Le Figaro]
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