Monday, February 10, 2014

DMX George Zimmerman George Zimmerman DMX fight cancelled; you literally wont believe why

DMX/Steven Seagal image by Featureflash/Shutterstock

Those of you wanting to see DMX attempt to beat up George Zimmerman (and maybe pee on his face) in a Celebrity Boxing Match are going to be disappointed as the event has been cancelled. And the reason why may cause some disbelief. Celebrity Boxing promoter Damon Feldman says he canceled the event because of, get this, his conscience?

Related: DMX to fight George Zimmerman in celebrity boxing match, may pee on his face

E! reports that Feldman said in a tweet (since deleted), “The George Zimmerman fight is canceled I’m sorry for anyone I hurt with this but this was a very big opportunity thank you.”

He also tweeted comments to the effect that there is “more to life than money,” that “people’s feelings meant more to me,” and that he would be holding a press conference on Tuesday.

Based on the defensiveness of Feldman on Twitter the past few days it appears that perhaps his attempt to put Zimmerman in a boxing ring for the purposes of making money off it may have been received a wee bit negatively by the general public.

So, crisis of conscience? Unlikely. The odd thing (well one of the odd things) about all of this is that a rep for the rapper says that DMX never agreed to the fight in the first place, “Damon Feldman has announced that the George Zimmerman fight is cancelled via his Twitter. As previously stated, DMX never agreed to the fight and we thank you for all of the support from DMX’s fans.”

George Zimmerman and DMX Celebrity Boxing Match Is Canceled—Find Out Why [E!]



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