If you’re a fan of Kristen Stewart, get ready to be wowed by her poetry. If you’re not a fan, get ready to just say, “Wow.” I’ll let you guess which camp I fall into when we’re done here.
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In the new issue of Marie Claire they interview K-Stew and at one point the subject turns to her writing poetry. Despite her misgivings, “Oh, my God, it’s so embarrassing. I can’t believe I’m doing this,” she decided to share one with the world called “My Heart Is A Wiffle Ball/Freedom Pole.” (Yes, that’s the real title.) Here it is…
I reared digital moonlight
You read its clock, scrawled neon across that black
Kismetly … ubiquitously crest fallen
Thrown down to strafe your foothills
…I’ll suck the bones pretty.
Your nature perforated the abrasive organ pumps
Spray painted everything known to man,
Stream rushed through and all out into
Something Whilst the crackling stare down sun snuck
Through our windows boarded up
He hit your flint face and it sparked.
And I bellowed and you parked
We reached Marfa.
One honest day up on this freedom pole
Devils not done digging
He’s speaking in tongues all along the pan handle
And this pining erosion is getting dust in
My eyes
And I’m drunk on your morsels
And so I look down the line
Your every twitch hand drum salute
Salutes mine…
Like I said odd title, but overall not the worst thing ever, right? Then she had to talk some more…
“I like being able to hit on something, like, ‘There it is.’ I don’t want to sound so fucking utterly pretentious … but after I write something, I go, ‘Holy fuck, that’s crazy.’ It’s the same thing with acting: If I do a good scene, I’m always like, ‘Whoa, that’s really dope.’”
Now I understand why Kristen Stewart doesn’t like to talk to the media. Wow.
Related: Kristen Stewart goes topless in new behind the scenes video
Girl on the Edge: Interview with Kristen Stewart [Marie Claire]
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