Tuesday, February 11, 2014

In today’s Must See Imagery we have some hilarious demotivational posters, sexy mishaps, perfectly timed photos, and more! Aggregating content from the web’s hottest sources: Facebook, Tumblr, Imgur (often via Reddit), amongst others, we’re able to save you those precious man hours that can be used for things like grilling red meat, or wondering who the hell that sexy girl was in that commercial you just saw. If you come across any photos you think should be included in this daily feature then head on over HERE and post them to our Facebook wall, and I’ll be sure to include them (provided they don’t suck, and you actually understand what funny is).

And be sure to check out past editions of the MUST SEE IMAGERY here

Real men only cook by the heat of a volcano.

Nope, definitely cannot say that I have.

Is this taking cosplay too far? Or is it taking it just far enough?

increasing muscles and a shrinking manhood…

Any time you try to pet a pussy cat.

Anyone know where I can procure one of these chairs?

It’s funny because of the lighting in the photo…

The perfect Valentine’s Day gift.

Ye olde Bill Murray age test.

Drop your answers in the comments, and if I like any of them I’ll start featuring some retro music videos here going forward.

Try and argue against that.

Dem eyes say everything…

In addition to displaying the effects of Xanax, this might also be the style someone would paint in when under the sleep walking effects of Xanax.

Fake selfie is fake.

Pretty much every driver in Florida this time of year.

Who doesn’t love a hot, wet, dog tongue on their forehead?

That pesky mirror reflection catching you looking like a moron…

What’s going on in France these days?

And here we see the kitchen of renowned blood splatter analyst Dexter Morgan.

It’s honestly not all that different from NYC these days.

Never miss your daily beer.

Everyone should have the chance to fish with a gun at least once.

Wait, what?

I don’t know why I find this interesting, but I do…

Seems like a perfectly reasonable way to not lose your balance on the subway.

You wouldn’t think that this would have to be explained.

I see none.

We’re not our parents’ generation. We require different programming.

Kids these days upset me…

Way to reach for the stars, bear bro.

Male curiosity at its most innocent.

If you’re going to riot, do it safely.

This simply cannot be right.

The freshest of the fresh when it comes to sewing.

Typically I’m a sucker for advertising but this would just piss and drive me to ice cream.

You learn something new every day!

Can’t deny the cuteness of that puppy snarl…

The American Way.

That, my friends, is a truly unfortunate case of back sweat.

I can honestly say that I haven’t.

I’m not into cats but this certainly is oddly arousing.

Don’t fall for that Jedi mind trick, just piss in the fountain.

Is this a problem that I’m unaware of? And does a sign really make a difference?

Bachelor Frog gets it.

Just a sexy tree doing a handstand.

We all know someone like this.

Must have been a hell of a night…

This one hit me right in the floppy feels.

Too deep. No likey. See you all tomorrow.

If you enjoyed this and want to see previous editions of the MUST SEE IMAGERY, HEAD OVER HERE. And make sure you GO LIKE US ON FACEBOOK so that you never miss the very best of Guyism!



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