Monday, February 10, 2014

Shia LaBeouf paper bag Shia LaBeoufs breakdown complete, wears paper bag on head to movie premiere

Shia LaBeouf image by s_bukley/Shutterstock

Shia LaBeouf has been riding a downward spiral since being accused of plagiarism a couple of months ago, but his odd behavior at the Berlin Film Festival and wearing a bag on his head to his film Nymphomanic’s premiere is his finest douchebaggery yet. The actor appeared on the red carpet in Berlin clad looking in a nice tuxedo accented by a brown paper bag over his head with the words “I am not famous anymore” written on it – words he has tweeted every day since January 13th. (Man, even this dude’s meltdowns aren’t original.)

Related: Shia LaBeouf headbutted a guy at a bar last night (on video, of course)

But that was just the capper to his bizarre behavior on this day. Earlier in the day at a press conference for his film at the Berlin Film Festival, LaBeouf was asked about the sex in the film. He paused and slowly delivered this answer, “When the seagulls follow the trawler, it’s because they think sardines will be thrown into the sea. Thank you very much.” Then he walked off the stage. (Skip to the 0:20 mark.)

This quote, of course, was also not original, as it was actually first spoken by French soccer player Eric Cantona in 1995 at a news conference amidst his being arrested and suspended from Manchester United.

If 2013 was the year of the Amanda Bynes breakdown, 2014′s posterchild is looking to be one Shia LaBeouf. (Did we mention he also almost got into a fight with some fans Saturday night?)



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