Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Think about the last time you had something unjust happen to you and how mad it made you. Now, compare it to this 90-year-old man’s remarkably positive thoughts after surviving a Holocaust and maybe rethink how you handle adversity.

The video was posted by the man, Emery Jacoby, after completing a very interesting Reddit Ask Me Anything session.

Think about all the things this man lived through, literally the worst conditions a human could be subjected to, and how he’s still got a positive attitude about the world. Then think about the last time someone cut you off and you uttered all the racial and gender-specific epithets you could muster up because the other driver inconvenienced you for literally one second. Then think about how much we all suck in comparison. Then get yourself a burger because, hey, nothing helps cap off a tough day of inflection quite as well as a greasy slab of cow carcass. See? We’re not unreasonable with our requests here.

(via Reddit)



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