Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Mark Cuban e1398764702759 Donald Sterling Scandal Mark Cuban Smart, Mark Jackson Opportunistic

Until we get a verdict from Adam Silver on the whole Donald Sterling case, reactions from owners, players, coaches and anyone who has something to do with the Los Angeles Clippers and the NBA in general, are what we have to live on. Like Mark Cuban saying some smart things about how all of this should end, while Mark Jackson is mostly trying to give his team some sort of advantage in the playoff series.

Sterling’s tapes and what he has said on them are known to all. The only question remaining seems to be whether or not his voice was faked on the recording by V. Stiviano, a former girlfriend and someone who is currently in a lawsuit situation with the Sterling family over $1.8 million. Stiviano isn’t cooperating with the NBA or at least she said she wouldn’t, but has also claimed she wasn’t the one who leaked the tapes. Someone here is lying, and maybe more than just one person.

Some have called Silver to suspend Sterling indefinitely, which means he can still own the team, but never attend the game. Others have called the NBA to force Sterling to sell the franchise or simply take it away from it. Somehow Magic Johnson, who was at the center of the scandal for sitting with Stiviano at the Clippers game which made Sterling come out with his racist rant, is now a potential owner for the Clippers. Something doesn’t feel right about this one as well, feeling like Johnson, a Lakers man through and through and also one of the owners in the Dodgers group is trying to take advantage of the situation to make some financial and business gain.

Mark Jackson e1398764752153 Donald Sterling Scandal Mark Cuban Smart, Mark Jackson Opportunistic

Cuban, the owner of the Dallas Mavericks, isn’t sure stripping away the ownership is the right thing to do. Obviously, he is against everything Sterling has said. He doesn’t mind Sterling being punished, but unlike a lot of owners around the league, he insists that punishing someone for his thoughts and something he said in a private conversation by taking away his team will create a slippery slope, and might be a dangerous course of action to pursue.

Mark Jackson? He is busy trying to win a playoff series against the Clippers, so he’s trying to use this to his advantage. His real thoughts? We’ll never know them, because he has a stake in this, an interest. His latest call? For Clippers fans to not show up to game 5, giving the Warriors and obvious edge. I wonder if he would have said the same thing if that happened to his own team. Like Johnson and others, someone seems like he’s trying to make the most of an ugly situation.

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