Tuesday, April 29, 2014

shutterstock 81582967 Every time you drop some seeds, Pornhub vows to plant a tree

via Shutterstock

Pornhub, a website everyone reading is pretending to be unfamiliar with, made on promise this past Arbor Day.

To promote a healthier environment, while celebrating certain deviant lifestyles, the adult film website launched its “Pornhub Gives America Wood” promotion.

This Arbor Day Pornhub will do what it does best and give America some serious wood by donating 1 tree for every 100 videos viewed in our Big Dick category….

…and stop. Not interested. Thankfully, the promotion is over.

The company allegedly will plant over 11,000 trees. I guess a bit of thanks is necessary. Thank you, James Franco. You’ve made the environment a little better. Sure. “Research.”

Pornhub Vows to Plant a Tree for Every 100 Videos Watched [Nerve]



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