Monday, April 28, 2014

A new study proves that even men with massive members have problems with women.

The study — published this month in PLOSOne — concluded that the bigger a man’s penis, the more likely his wife is to cheat. Which makes sense if the study was about ACTING like a dick. But nope, it’s about actual dicks.

Researchers interviewed 545 married couples in Kenya (which makes this suspect already) to better understand their relationship habits. More specifically, researchers hoped to identify the factors which contributed to women having extramarital affairs.

Researchers asked both partners to list the male’s erect penis size. If there were differences between the estimates (which there were because men always lie about dick size), researchers took the average of the two estimates or went with the estimate from the woman because she was less likely to lie about the length.

Here’s what they found — “Every one inch longer penis increased the likelihood of women being involved in extra-marital partnership by almost one-and-half times,” the researchers wrote. “Women associated large penises with pain and discomfort during sex which precludes the enjoyment and sexual satisfaction that women are supposed to feel.”

Basically, women cheat because sex hurts so damn much. Oh sure, they want the nice sports car, but they never think about how it’s going to fit into the garage.

The study focused on female infidelity specifically because of the prevalence and spread of HIV among women in the region. Researchers also found that 6.2 % of the 545 married women had affairs during the six-month study. Well, if they weren’t cheating before, they probably were after the study. Researchers felt if they could identify reasons for unprotected sex, they might better prevent it.

In related news, women having sex with tiny-penised Kenyan men has been on a steady rise for decades.

The Larger Your Penis, The More Likely Your Wife Will Cheat Says New Study [Huffington Post]



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