Monday, July 28, 2014

Sketch Three: Avant-Garde (R.P.M. 2) from Ryan Fox on Vimeo.

I’d never crap on anyone’s creative outlets or how they choose to express their voice in a creative and constructive manner but…

…this isn’t art.

This is a camera taped to a car wheel. It’s also the bumpers that run between segments of the old Batman and Super Friends TV shows. “Meanwhile, back at the Hall of Justice, this guy is putting cameras on his tires and calling it art.” It’s interesting, and even vomit-inducing, but it’s hard to call it art.

Now, if he takes this video and creates painting or a photo gallery of the spinning in contrast to what’s actually going on outside the car, then I’ll consider it art.

You know, because I’m some fucking art critic or something.



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