Monday, July 28, 2014

Ron Artest Metta World Peace almost went Palace Brawl in the Venice Summer League

The artist formally known as Ron Artest confused the Venice Summer League with the Palace Brawl. Then he flexed, shoved a few guys and ran down the court like nothing happened. He’s not very “peaceful” is he?

Ok everybody, I thought long and hard about what to call this video.


/drops mic

Reddit user Adaptation Agency provides some background:

Metta came out strong and hit a couple of 3′s, but his team must’ve been the lowest ranked team in this league. They completely sucked and every possession that didn’t involve Metta would end in a turnover or brick. By halftime, Metta’s team was down by 12. You could clearly see the frustration raging. From the middle of the 3rd quarter on, Metta was throwing body checks, bulldozing his way to the paint, and getting into a wrestling match on every inbounds play.

That same guy was on a fast break with only Metta World Pain (that was the nickname the guy next to me gave him) back to defend. What happened next was vintage. It looked like he basically ran into a brick wall and got the wind out of him. Took a breather for 2 minutes.

Metta bulldozing guys, wrestling in the paint? No way, Metta would never do such a thing. How dare you utter such nonsense. How dare you blaspheme Metta’s good name. How dare you sir.

[The Big Lead]



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