Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Skeleton is that Olympic sport where you ride downhill on a sled at about 80 mph. Unlike luge, athletes ride on their stomach. It’s insane and it’s death-defying—which makes this helmet oh so perfect.

Sarah Reid helmet 640x477 This skeleton helmet is remarkably frightening yet totally awesome


That’s 26-year-old Sarah Reid of Canada. Here she is explaining the intricacies of the design.

I had been wanting to get my helmet painted for quite a while, and originally wanted an image that I found off the internet of a girl’s face that was half normal, half skull. Jason Bartziokas in Jasper suggested doing an image that was more symmetrical as the main image on the top of the helmet, because he said that would register a lot better from far away. I told him that what I liked about the other image was the fact that it was kind of feminine, but still kind of scary and deadly looking. He recommended I look up ‘day of the dead’ images on the internet, and when I found one I liked I sent it along to him.

So there you have it. Not a skeleton for a skeleton rider but rather a “Day of the Dead” depiction and yep, still frightened beyond belief.

(via reddit)



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