Thursday, January 23, 2014

I’ll go out on a limb and suggest that most of us have sampled porn once or twice. But what’s it really like working in porn? How do you get in? How do they manage their finances? How much do they get paid? This video will legitimately explain it all.

So this was super interesting but one big question: Of all the people who could talk about your body being your livelihood, this chick was the one we had to turn to?

kelly shibari Whats it like working in porn? Let the hottest actresses in the business explain


No offense to Kelly Shibari whose work, I’m sure but will not ever attempt to confirm, is a delight. But no. Just not the right person for that message.

Either way, this is probably the first video consisting of several dozen porn stars that none of you can fap to. I take pride in that.



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