Thursday, July 10, 2014

WNCo1b4 14 GIFs that describe my love of air conditioning and hatred of summer

I hate summer, I hate the heat, I hate the humidity, I’m an insufferable curmudgeon when the summer temps spike, and I’m unapologetic about my hatred of the heat.

I moved from Florida to NYC under the misguided notion that summers in the city would be less brutal than those down south, not so. Back in Florida we had central air EVERYWHERE, and you walked nowhere. You walked out of your climate-controlled central-air cooled home in to your car to blast the A/C and drove to the next place that’d have their A/C blasting.

Here in NYC we have no central air, we have miserable window units that always need to be in order to maintain a barely livable temperature. It’s actually my personal hell. But enough with the ranting, I thought that since I had the fortune of riding in my car last night and blasting the A/C now would be a good time to express my love of air conditioning in GIF form. And for those of you that want to tell me I’m one of those people who hate the heat until it’s winter, seriously go f*ck yourself. It could be 25 degrees every day and I’d be the happiest man alive, ask anyone who knows me well.

3NLQzdO 14 GIFs that describe my love of air conditioning and hatred of summer

The amount of clothes I wear around my miserably hot apartment.

EFpFTre 14 GIFs that describe my love of air conditioning and hatred of summer

When I have to put on clothes and walk in to the office…

WhichFriendlyAvians 14 GIFs that describe my love of air conditioning and hatred of summer

When I get in to the office and nobody’s turned on both window units yet

uhnxDCb 14 GIFs that describe my love of air conditioning and hatred of summer

How I feel unabashedly eating ice cream in public to cool myself down.

mSH68pE 14 GIFs that describe my love of air conditioning and hatred of summer

How my fiancé looks when she gets home from the sweltering subways.

200 14 GIFs that describe my love of air conditioning and hatred of summer

When I get out of the shower without toweling off and sit in front of my A/C

5WQDANK 14 GIFs that describe my love of air conditioning and hatred of summer

When it’s 85 degrees (with 90% humidity) and someone tells me how nice it is outside.

tumblr mcvswz5JQN1qlba55o7 500 14 GIFs that describe my love of air conditioning and hatred of summer

When our office manager shuts off the A/C because the girl who sits closest to is is a bit chilly.

2hLjrQU 14 GIFs that describe my love of air conditioning and hatred of summer

When the mayor announces an impending heat wave & subsequent air quality advisory.

BTUivas 14 GIFs that describe my love of air conditioning and hatred of summer

When my fiancĂ© tells just because it’s hot on my walk there doesn’t mean I can skip going to the gym.

AshamedLastChihuahua 14 GIFs that describe my love of air conditioning and hatred of summer

When someone overhears me talking about how I put my boxers in the freezer before going to bed.

qk6eu 14 GIFs that describe my love of air conditioning and hatred of summer

When the neighbors see me standing naked in front of the window because that’s where the A/C unit is.

zhksOQy 14 GIFs that describe my love of air conditioning and hatred of summer

And finally, this is me, mid-summer, when I’ve succumbed to the worst season of all.



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