Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Beyonce college class Beyonce is now the subject of her own college course

First she gets her own religion and now Beyonce is the subject of her own college course. What’s next, her own country with a Beyonce-run government? Don’t laugh. The Illuminati is watching

The course being offered at the University of Victoria in Canada is described thusly…

Who run the world?

Using BeyoncĂ© as a case study, this course will explore how we can situate popular music as a cultural construct. Starting with BeyoncĂ©’s roots as the lead singer of the girl group, Destiny’s Child, the class will position her in relationship to girl groups of the 60s. From there, the course will follow her career trajectory through her development as a solo act, film star, and Jay-Z collaborator. Throughout, the class will be exposed to various theoretical concepts from popular music studies.

Related: Just how ‘influential’ is Beyonce? She has her own church and religion now


Educator Dr. Melissa Avdeeff says, “It’s kind of a way for people to think more critically about their listening and their watching habits because, obviously, Beyonce is very visually focused with her videos.

“It’s just a way to develop a framework to understand why and how we listen to popular music and its role in society and having to think more critically about that as opposed to being passive consumers.”

Here’s a snapshot of the course via The University of Victoria’s Web site

Beyonce college course Beyonce is now the subject of her own college course

Naturally, you can follow the course on Twitter @UVicBeyonce.

Maybe Ed Sheeran was right when he said that Beyonce “controls all women.” Only instead of just leaving it at women, he should have said, “the world.”

Related: The official trailer for ‘Beyonce’ is way scarier than ‘Godzilla’

Beyonce is subject of new college course [MSN]

Beyonce image by JStone/Shutterstock



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