Thursday, July 3, 2014

Last night, I spotted an older gentlemen walking his dog by my house. He stopped in front of my driveway, looked around for a moment, then took his bag of dog poop and placed it in my garbage (it was trash day). Fair or foul?

girl dog poop Is it ok to put a bag of dog poop in your neighbors garbage? Heres what you had to say.

I asked this question on Twitter and the responses were mixed. Some of you were ok with it, having sympathy with a dog owner who has to walk around with a bag of feces. Others called the guy a dick, because garbage on the side of the road is a constitutional right.

Here’s a just sampling of what you guys had to say.

As for me, nah, I don’t care. I kinda feel like he was taking advantage of a young homeowner (I’ve only been there a year, most of the people in my sub are old). But whatever, I’m not going to make a big “stink” about it.



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