Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Lone Wanderer

When highly anticipated video games get released there’s a wave of sick days being announced around offices and entire IT departments shut down. Turns out, that the first day and night of Bethesda’s Fallout 4 coming out resulted in a lot less porn being watched for a limited time.

Pornhub, a site that has nothing to do with transit hubs but instead is about the other thing in its name, saw a 10% drop in traffic among gamers after Fallout 4 came out on midnight of November 10, making it available for download and installation, even though on Steam there was the option to download the game beforehand, and just wait for the files to be decrypted once the deadline passed, in order to avoid the servers from crashing.

The dip in traffic began around 5 am, around the time most people finished downloading and installing the game, with the massive decrease from the normal traffic patterns continuing until around 3 pm, with gamers beginning to disappear again after 6pm.

Pornhub traffic

Pornhub vice president Corey Price wasn’t too worried about the traffic dip: We can’t say we’re too surprised with what happened to our traffic during peak gaming hours. Based on the data, it looks like a huge surge of people decided to indulge in some wasteland wandering by taking the day off of work and school to play, while the rest of the world had to wade through what we assume were the longest hours of work ever in anticipation of some alone time with their consoles. As huge fans of the game, we can’t say we blame anyone for swapping Pornhub time for some Pip-Boy surfing instead. We would have done the same.

Bethesda has shipped over 12 million units of the game already in what has been a massive success through the first week , but even those Fallout 4 fans (and other games I guess) came back to the Internet’s religion, watching porn, at some point. Pornhub use among gamers skyrocketed starting at around 11 p.m. on November 10, probably taking a break from trying to find Shaun in the post apocalyptic New England.



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