Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Nerlens Noel

Once in a while we write something about how tanking is an awful plan, and how the Philadelphia 76ers are basically telling their fans it’s all going to be OK if we get lucky in the draft, but until then, watch us lose as much as possible with crappy players all around.

The Sixers have now started this season 0-11, just like the previous one. That’s a new NBA record, and it’s happening with more and more questions surrounding the rebuilding project headed by Sam Hinkie and backed by the ownership, deciding it’s time to try and win a title or stink while stockpiling on draft picks and opening up cap room for big signings, if anyone would even want to sign with the 76ers.

The latest debacle came in the form of losing 92-86 to the Dallas Mavericks. The 76ers are hoping that the Jahlil Okafor and Nerlens Noel combination takes them a step forward, which means what? Winning 25 games? However, the roster around them, not to mention the two of them kinda stepping on each other’s toes on offense, just isn’t good enough to believe in or count on for years of progress and success.

The Sixers are last in the NBA in offensive efficiency, which makes sense considering they have no wing players who can generate points on their own and keep changing the guys playing over the years and even midway through the season. They’re also quite problematic defensively (22nd in the league), with the current scapegoat being Nik Stauskas, who hasn’t been able to make shots and is one of the easiest guys to score on in the NBA.

When talking to who might be considered normal, level headed Sixers fans, it seems that they still believe this is the way to go for them. The mediocrity of the post Iverson years wasn’t for them, the Andrew Bynum trade killed the team. We’ve heard it all before. Patience has its limitations. It’ll be interesting to see if the fanbase (dwindling) runs out of it before the Sixers finally turn things around.

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