Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Nothing worse than getting caught in the act of browsing porn. But second worst has to be that moment when someone checks your phone and you don’t know what they might find. Especially when it’s on national TV.

The awkward moment revealing a browser visit to Pornhub was captured on Chicago’s WGN during a news story about something that presumably did not center around Internet porn browsing habits.

porn awkward This is why you always clear your browser history before someone checks your phone


Pretty amateur moment here for a professional organization but, at the same time, why is it such a big deal? Let your freak flag fly, anonymous b-roll phone dude. I say let’s get even more descriptive on there and show off your favorite subgenres. Sex is a part of life and if you love interracial creampies, there should be no shame in letting the whole world know.



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