Wednesday, July 16, 2014

E5fB9w3 Watch a kid pull off the most amazing go kart parking job ever

This kid might have just pulled off the greatest parking job ever for not only a go-kart, but ANY type of vehicle. The best part? How after he does it he acts like it aint’ no big thang.

The words “like a boss” have never been more appropriate than right now.

I love when kids who aren’t even close to driving age pull off moves that even adults can’t do. Case in point…

Zu5ZRqG Watch a kid pull off the most amazing go kart parking job ever

Especially when they do it with a special flair…

VQPvxba Watch a kid pull off the most amazing go kart parking job ever

Though sometimes…

8EmYKVS Watch a kid pull off the most amazing go kart parking job ever

Ah, kids…gotta love ‘em.

Related: We are all this kid asleep at the wheel of his toy tractor

H/T Tastefully Offensive



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